Last week Abbey and Jamie contacted me to share their positive birth announcement with me. It really was wonderful news to receive. Abbey shared that they had had a very positive birth. She really wanted to write it to help others prepare properly for their birth.
Here it is, enjoy.
Thanks Abbey.
‘Scarlett Rose
So my story as it went, Waters broke at 8am, contractions started at 9.30 rung up at 12pm to see their review and they were happy for me to stay at home. So watched the greatest showman…bit of friends and listened to hypnobirthing tracks all morning just upward breathing. Jamie lit a nice candle and a lavender oil burner, and constantly supplied me with hot water bottles and back rubs.
Then my contractions got worse just after 2pm so we called up as the surges and pain was becoming more intense, and they said come in so we did at 3pm. We were meant to go to haven suite but went straight to the delivery ward to be assessed and was told I was fully dilated already. So things moved quickly from there, had some gas and air and began pushing. Scarlett Rose arrived at 5.13pm, weighing 8lb5oz. We delayed the cord clamping as requested, then had skin to skin straight away. Jamie was with me the whole time which was great and he remained calm and amazing through out. The midwives were amazing, calming and supportive. I think the worst part was actually the car journey from home to hospital, due to the awkward sitting position.
We had such a beautiful and positive experience, and fortunately a very quick labour, neither of us could believe it! ❤️’
If you too would like to prepare properly for your birth like Abbey and Jamie please join a Talking Babies course today. We would love to have you.
June course is full. July has limited spaces. Click here to book your place.