I received a wonderful birth announcement message from a past Talking Babies client, Emily (FYI her name is also Emily!) Emily has kindly taken the time to share her positive birth with intervention. It is so lovely to read that Emily and Jon’s Birth preparation meant they were able to make fantastic decisions with their care providers whilst staying positive. Intervention did not affect their positive birth experience.
‘Hello Emily,
Happy New year.
I would love to share our following birth story with you.
On the 10th December Jon and I welcomed our beautiful baby boy Harry into the world. It was an amazing experience and I have very positive, happy memories.
On the morning I went into labour I was due to have a membrane sweep. But luckily Harry had other ideas. At 3am I woke and my waters had partially broken. I tried to sleep but by 5.30am I started getting more regular contractions. I used lots of the techniques I had learnt to stay in control, particularly the breathing and associating it with my own happy thoughts.
By 8am things had really ramped up and I decided to ring the labour ward, when we arrived I was examined and was told I was 7cm dilated.
I felt really proud I had got so far and that feeling helped me to continue and stay in control. By this stage I needed the support of my Husband reminding me of my breathing etc.
Unfortunately after a few hours, things had not progressed and I wasn’t getting a break in between my contractions, it felt like one continuous contraction. So with the midwife I made the decision to have pethidine. It worked as I was soon fully dilated and my contractions became stronger and more regular.
But unfortunately it soon became clear after an examination that our baby was well and truly stuck. I decided to have the hormone drip but baby still was not coming.
At this point we had an informed discussion with the consultant and made the decision to be prept for surgery. I wanted to try forceps first, but it quickly became clear the baby wasn’t coming out this way without causing him damage to his shoulders and also damage to myself. So I quickly but calmly agreed to a c section. Our baby was soon delivered safely and hearing his first cry was the most amazing feeling.
Although my birth did not go the way I had hoped, I really do only have positive memories. I felt very in control of every decision I made. Jon the midwives and doctor all helped to keep me calm and listened to me throughout.
I am grateful for all the knowledge and positivity I gained from the hypnobirthing course.
Thank you
Emily, Jon and Harry x’
If you too would like to prepare properly for your birth join a Talking Babies, Midwife Led course today. Click here.