Emily and Aaron signed up to the Talking Babies Hypnobirthing course before there little one was born because they wanted to stay calm and in control of their birth. By preparing properly for their birth they could achieved this, and they did.
Emily has kindly taken the time to share her very positive Hypnobirthing birth with you. Emily found reading positive birth stories really helpful during the run up to her Son’s birth. She wanted to give back. Thank you Emily I know so many will benefit from reading your story. (Do comment to let Emily know if she has helped you!). Just to confuse you my name is Emily too!
Enjoy x
‘Hi Emily,
Hope all is well with you?
I just wanted to let you know we had our gorgeous little boy Noah James Emmanuel on May 2nd at 7:35 weighing 5lb and 12oz.
My surges went on for 3 days, however it wasn’t until the third evening that they were close enough together to be able to go into the birth centre. I went in at 18:30 and found I was 4cm.
I used a tens machine and my breathing techniques learnt in hypnobirthing and remained calm. I then got into the pool, which felt amazing. The water really helped and I had aromatherapy tissues to breathe in which helped relax me. As I used the pool I felt the urge to push. I continued to push, thinking I would have the baby before midnight. My husband was feeding me spoonfuls of honey and my mum was feeding me fruit and honey on toast. I couldn’t keep any of it down. Time went on and I was becoming more exhausted from lack of sleep and I couldn’t keep any food or drink down. I remained positive and breathed through the surges.
The midwife told me I may need to be transferred to the hospital as baby was starting to get distressed. I considered B. R. A. I. N and realised that I needed to put my baby first. At around 4am an ambulance turned up and I was strapped into a stretcher. Usually the thought of this would make me panic, but I continued to use my breathing techniques and visualised meeting my baby.
The surges had really slowed down and by the time I arrived at the hospital they had completely stopped. I had read about the moment you get where you think you can’t do it. For me, I felt this when I arrived into the hospital room. I said out of nowhere that I wanted a cesarean. My mum assured me why I didn’t want or need one. The room was so hot and not the relaxing environment I had at the birth centre. I met the midwife and told her I couldn’t do it and that I didn’t have the energy. She didn’t look worried at all and said, in a motivational way, ‘I finish my shift at 7.30 and you will have your baby before I finish!’ this made me feel determined and I could see the finish line was in sight.
In order to start the contractions again I had to have an oxytocin drip. The contractions came on very strong and the midwife explained we needed to get baby out where it had gone on for so long. Therefore, I did coached pushing. Within about half an hour of pushing they could see the head. I needed to have two cuts because it turns out baby’s head was turned at an angle and he had his hand up beside his face. I had numbing cream so couldn’t feel anything. And then at 7.35 (5 minutes after my midwives shift finished) my baby boy was put on my chest.
I felt absolutely amazing, so in love and very emotional . I couldn’t believe he was finally here, he was perfect. I had delayed cord clamping and both me and my husband did skin to skin.
I honestly don’t think I could have stayed so calm without the knowledge I learnt from the hypnobirthing course.
I also can’t believe how amazing it was to have my two birth partners who were by my side and on my side! The midwives were also amazing and I couldn’t have thanked them enough!
Women are amazing, powerful and can do anything! 💪🏻 🌟 🙌🏻
Have a lovely weekend in the sun! ☀️
If you too would like to prepare properly for your birth like Emily please join a Talking Babies course today. Click here.
For more positive birth stories or pregnancy information written by a Midwife click here.