How amazing is this?! Best mummy friends for life! I’m so glad you all signed up to Talking Babies! I’m glad the classes helped you all achieve a positive birth and helped you to find each other. Thank you these photos are priceless and makes me so happy that you have each other because of Talking Babies.
In case you haven’t figured it out having a baby is kind of a big deal. You are thrown unbelievable challenges that at times can feel incredibly overwhelming. Then at the same time, literally overnight it seems, you grow a very intense love, one that you didn’t know existed. A love that comes with enormous responsibilities that in turn makes you incredibly vulnerable. To have friends to share this life changing journey with, who understand exactly what you are going through is invaluable.
As a Midwife I see so many new mums feel lonely. When I had my first daughter I did too. I didn’t attend antenatal classes, I am a Midwife after all and thought it would be a waste of money. Like everyone else two weeks post birth my Midwife discharged me from maternity care, my husband went back to work and I was lucky if I saw a health visitor. It can feel so lonely. For many it is so hard getting out of the house with a newborn, I wasn’t any different. I’ll be honest with you, the days I did get out I definitely did not feel my child nor I looked our best! 99% of the time I had something down my shoulder. It is difficult to say the least to meet new potential friends. But, when you find them it is like finding a pot of GOLD! Remember when you find mummy friends quality is better than quantity. I am proud to say that all of my friends are very dear to me. They are all kind, honest and would, with out a doubt always be there for me.
I really encourage the Talking Babies groups to meet up often and I don’t like to say it but, your group may just be the best thing that comes from your class. Of course, the information will hopefully be invaluable during your birth and early days but…
Good friends are for life!
If you too would like to prepare properly for your birth and meet some like-minded people please join us on one of the upcoming courses. Click here.
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