Here is some bite-size information about what to expect when your waters break. (or to a Midwife ‘your membranes have ruptured’)
Did you know that your waters can break at any moment? Before labour, during labour and not at all. That’s right, some babies are born in their amniotic sack also known as the caul!
When they go you may feel a warm rush of fluid down ‘there’. Others feel a light trickle of fluid and some women become aware that their knickers are slightly damp. Fluid loss will most likely continue for a while.
If you think they have gone it is important to stay calm and let your Maternity care provider know.
If you are at home the Midwife on the end of the phone will ask you a series of questions. To prepare for these questions it is a good idea to look at the fluid colour, consistency and quantity.
Clear/straw-like – normal
Brown/green – this is a sign that your baby has had a pooh inside your womb. Although this could be perfectly normal it is very important to be seen ASAP by your Maternity care provider because it can also be a sign that your baby is distressed. They may want to monitor your baby’s heart beat closely.
Red/Blood stained – a little bit of blood within your waters can be normal however, it is very important to have blood loss investigated to find out the cause. Again it would be important to be seen ASAP by your Maternity care provider.
When your waters go it is important to keep an eye on your baby’s movements. Babies should remain active throughout pregnancy, this includes the third trimester, labour and birth. You must let your Maternity care provider know of any change in your normal pattern of movements.
Before 37 Weeks of Pregnancy:
Your baby is classed as ‘premature’ before 37 weeks gestation. So if your waters break before you have reached 37 weeks it is recommended that you are seen by a professional as soon as possible to ensure the safety of your baby.