Hi Emily,
Three weeks before my due date after multiple scans and a borderline GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) it was clear that my baby was going to be well over 9lbs and I was referred to a Consultant. I was so afraid that he would recommend a C-section as I wanted a waterbirth and knew a few people who incorrectly said that it is difficult to breastfeed following a C-section. (That is not true. My baby was born looking for the breast!) After a frank and honest conversation with him I decided to consent to it. The drive home actually gave me a chance to let it sink in.
A scan a week before predicted a 9lb 10 oz baby!
I went for my pre assessment and was given the anti sickness drugs to take that night and on the day.
On the day my husband and I felt really calm.. almost as though we had planned it. We were shown to our bay in recovery and got ready. I work at the hospital anyway but everyone was kind and friendly- they opened up a theatre for us as we were initially third on the list. I walked down to theatre with my midwife who was on her first day at that hospital. We had a giggle en route! The anaesthetist was lovely and said he had Spotify so could play any songs we wanted. When he put the spinal needle in he said I could swear all I wanted…well I didn’t as it wasn’t painful. Within a few moments he tested the sensation in my legs- no pain or movement from me!
Within a few mins baby was out. 9lb 14oz!
She is very long though!
I felt so with it that I spoke to the surgeons afterwards and thanked the whole team. I held her on my chest back to recovery and by 9pm that night my catheter was out- painfree and I had help to change my baby. I even helped other mums on the ward. I had 2 nights in hospital then 2 nights at the birth centre learning to breastfeed.
I stayed at home for a week then started to go on walks everyday. To this day…5 months later… I have never had any pain.
Don’t be scared of C-sections!
Love Diana, Phil and baby Emily
Talking Babies takes a closer look:
‘I held her on my chest back to recovery…’
Did you know that even after a C-section you can perform skin to skin? Just ask the Professionals around you for some help. Sometimes Mummies feel a little uncomfortable in this position after a short while but, there is nothing stopping Daddy or your birth partner from popping little one next to their skin until you feel more comfortable.
Thank you to Diana for taking the time to write your birth story for all to read. I am sure it will help prepare and calm many expectant parents.
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