Amber has kindly shared her Hypnobirth, Homebirth with us. She was able to use a TENS machine, Birthing Ball, Water and Hypnobirthing Techniques to stay calm and in control in labour. Well done Amber. Here is her Positive homebirth story – I have not changed a word.
‘Hi Emily! Sorry it’s been so long but happy to share our homebirth story!
Isla was 8 days over due. I had 2 cervical sweeps and the 2nd one set the ball rolling. I had planned a Homebirth- around 5pm on Tuesday 14th November my contractions were coming on strong & I decided to put my tens machine on (personally I found this so so helpful) it really helped with the back pain. I had practiced some hypnobirthing techniques towards the end of my pregnancy & was using breathing to help through the contractions. Again I found this really helpful. I was really scared of what was to come and if I would be able to manage with no medications. However I’m happy to say that I did! I concentrated on my breathing through every contraction.
I went into the birthing pool around 7am on Wednesday 15th November. I was getting urges to push but Isla’s heart rate kept dropping and not coming back up again. At this point my midwife asked me to get out of the pool to examine me. I was only 7-8 cm! 2 hours flew past with me laying on my side with gas & air, Isla’s heart rate went back to normal with me in this position so I was able to stay at home! At 12.57 I was 10cm dilated, the midwife broke my waters as this had not yet happened. I then stood up leaning on the pool and at 13.07 Isla was born!!
The best piece of advice I can give is to listen to your midwife & follow their instructions.
I must say I was so anxious in the lead up to the birth but it was absolutely fine and it’s amazing how strong the mind & body can be! I hope this helps people who are awaiting the arrival of their little ones Xx’
Talking Babies takes a closer look:
‘Isla’s heart rate kept dropping and not coming back up again. At this point my midwife asked me to get out of the pool to examine me.’
It is important as a Midwife to find out if Isla (the baby) is OK. Her heart dropping could be a sign of distress. The fact that changing position has improved the baby’s heart rate suggests that the drop was due to Isla’s umbilical cord being compressed. Simply by Amber moving was enough to relieve this compression. A good sign. Hence why the labour continued at home. If Isla’s heart beat continued to drop at this point in Amber’s labour Amber would have been advised to transfer into an Obstetric Unit so her baby’s heart beat could be continuously monitored through the rest of her labour.
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